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Handmaids Of The Lord

Coordinator: Rose Pilande and Rose Marie Nobleza

Number of Members: 30 members

Ministry’s Brief History: CFC - Handmaids of the Lord was established in 1993 by Couples of Christ in response to God's call for a holistic family ministry. It is a Christian renewal and support ministry for single mature women, single mothers, widows, separated and divorced women, as well as women whose husbands are for some reason unable to participate in the CFC and religious affiliation. St. Ann parish’s CFC - Handmaids of the Lord was established on January 26, 2014.


  • To provide a Christian support environment for single mature women, single mothers, widows, separated or divorced, wives of overseas workers, and those whose husbands are incapacitated or in prison.
  • To participate and provide service in diverse ministries, giving support to other group members of St. Ann Parish

2019 Report:

  • Regular monthly activities were conducted, such as general assembly, teachings, household meetings, and breakfast Sunday.
  • Christian Life Programs with 2 graduates.
  • Participated in ANCOP (Answering the Cry of the Poor) walk.
  • Celebrated our 5th year anniversary with a Mass offering.
  • Organized a Pasta Night Dinner and Dance and St. Ann's Feast day, as well as coordinated and assisted in the commemoration of the All Souls Day.
  • Supported and assisted during the yearly PABASA, and also during the 100 years celebration of the Our Lady of Fatima.

 Projections for 2020:

  • To continue our support, and assist in all Parish activities.
  • Continuity of the Handmaids of the Lord existing activities and upcoming projects.